At Chesapeake Valley Seed, we provide a diverse selection of forage seed choices carefully formulated and recommended for today’s busy farmer.
Our forage seeds have been professionally selected for the Mid-Atlantic region and are intended for high yields and low management, increasing our customers' profitability while ensuring reliable foraging crop. Our region-specific pasture formulations and mixes feature durable seed varieties intended to supply the nutrition your livestock needs while holding up to today’s intensive grazing methods year after year.
Homestead Pasture is a general-purpose mixture for non-irrigated, dryland pasture. It provides the potential for first-cut hay and season-long productive pastures. Homestead Pasture Mixture is safe for horses, is highly palatable, and quick to establish. A combination of Orchardgrass, Endophyte Free Tall Fescue, Timothy, and Alfalfa makes this a perfect all-around pasture mixture for the Mid-Atlantic Region.
We can create any custom mix using our forage and cover crop ingredients. Everything can be customized, even the bag sizes (25, 50, 1,000 or 2,000# bags). Just give us a call to put together your customized forage or cover crop mixture.
Alfalfa (Vernal)
Alfalfa (FSG229CR) (Grazing Variety)
Birdsfoot Trefoil
Bromegrass (Persister)
Chickory (6-Point)
Clover (Alsike)
Clover (Crimson)
Clocer (Micro)
Clover (Medium Red)
Clover (White Dutch)
Clover (White Ladino)
Clover (Yellow Blossom)
Festulolium (Fojtan)(6n)
Festulolium (Hostyn)(4n)
Grasshance 300FL
Hairy Vetch
Kobe Lespedeza
KY-Bluegrass (Balin)
KY-Bluegrass (Ginger)
Millet (Foxtail)
Millet (Japanese)
Millet (Leafy 22 Hybrid Pearl)
Oats (VNS)
Orchardgrass (Amba)(Medium)
Orchardgrass (Potomac)
Orchardgrass (Inavale)(Early)
Orchardgrass (Olathe) (Late)
Orchardgrass (Echelon)(Super Late)
Rape (Trophy)
Reed Canarygrass (Chieftan)
Ryegrass (Annual)(Chuck Wagon)
Ryegrass (McKinley)(Forage)
Ryegrass (Intermediate) (Super T)
Ryegrass (Prana)(Tetraploid Perennial )
Ryegrass (Nutrigraze)(Tetraploid)
Ryegrass (Zoro-Italian)
Ryegrass (Firkin)(4n)(Italian Rye)
Grasshance 100W
Austrian Winter Pea
Iron Clay Peas
Sorghum Sudangrass (Super Grazer 2)
Tall Fescue (Brutus Endophyte Free)
Tall Fescue (Cow Girl Endophyte Free)
Tall Fescue (Martin 2 w/ Protek)
Teff Grass
Timothy (Climax)
Timothy (Winnetou)(Grazing)
Radish (Anaconda)
Radish (Daikon )
Purpletop Turnip
Attack Mustard